Ekonomi Pariwisata Assignment
Semester ke-3
Ms. Derinta’s
NIM: 2011240011
1. What are the components of the Balance of Payments?
1. What are the components of the Balance of Payments?
· Balance of Trade
Balance Sheet describing the transaction value of exports and imports of goods of a country in international trade
· Balance of Services
Balance sheet which describes the difference between exports and imports of services. Balance of current account services, including category or Indonesia Current account balance of services deficit and the deficit is always greater than the surplus in trade balance.
· Balance of Capital
The Capital Account represents the difference between capital inflows and capital flight. During times of economic crisis, Indonesia negative capital account because of the short-term capital flows abroad.
· Monetary Balance Sheet (monetary traffic).
Monetary transactions are often referred to as accommodating for a transaction arising from other transactions. While another transaction is often called autonomous because these transactions occur by itself, without being affected by other transactions.
2. Mention the effects caused by tourism activities on a
country's balance of payments?
· Tourism lowers the deficit experienced by the state.
· Tourism lower payments surplus countries.
· Tourism balance of payments surplus increased the number of countries.
· Tourism deficits experienced by the state.
· Tourism lowers the deficit experienced by the state.
· Tourism lower payments surplus countries.
· Tourism balance of payments surplus increased the number of countries.
· Tourism deficits experienced by the state.
3. What suggestions do you have regarding the action to be taken to reduce the deficit balance of travelers?
Pressing the number of tourists who go abroad could help reduce the deficit balance and also to start not to use products from the outside.
In addition, this is also our duty in tourism to develop and maintenance of objects Travel Attractions in order to attract more tourists both domestic and international tourism activities and also a little promotion could not be harmful to help attract visitors to visit our Country meanwhile some tourists go abroad making it balanced.
4. Look for an example of Balance of Payments and/or Travellers, and then make an opinion on the balance-sheet?
Data in Tables 1 and 2 show
the extent which Asian economies have run current balance of payments surpluses
and accumulated international reserves since the Asian financial crisis; also
showing that net capital inflows have (frequently) allowed the reserve
accumulation to exceed the account surplus.
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