Friday, April 27, 2012

English Class -- "My Bad Experience"

English Assignment
Ms. Rina Kurniawati's Class
Sahasrakirana Narendradhipa
NIM: 2011240011

My Bad Experience

As a child when I was in Sheffield, I loved to go cycling with two of my brothers especially during summer. Every Saturday morning my brothers and I took our bikes and rode on it. My second eldest brother was at the front leading the way. From our house, we cycled to Osgathorpe Park then downhill to the outer part then to an up-hill road leading us back to our home eventually. Sometimes we took the longer route after reaching the outer part of the park which would also lead us back to our home. The area isn’t so large. The pavement was smooth and was in a good condition so it was very comfortable riding. More importantly, at early mornings the roads wasn't so busy. The Park was also empty in the morning and it was nicely spaced out and had its own path to walk from one end to another. It was very green and had lots of trees and bushes.

One bright and lovely Saturday morning, my brothers and I were cycling to our normal route. The sun was shining with a little breezy wind. It was a perfect weather to go out of the house for a morning cycle. As we entered the park, my brother who was leading rode quite fast, I was cycling in the position in between my two brothers. I was a little left behind and tried to cycle faster. It was a down-hill path and I took the wrong turn and crashed into a bush of needles, unable to get out for a few minutes. I can’t seem to remember how that felt but I can imagine that had to be quite painful. What’s worst was my whole body was covered in needles! My mum had to carefully take each needle out from my body which took hours. 
Thinking back to this memory just makes me laugh although it was a bad experience and I still love to cycle.

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